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Level 3

Prerequisite condition failed on Windows Vista?


I have created "single setup executable" usign Installshield 2009 premier edition.

I this setup, we checked Adobe Flash media live Encoder 3 is installed or not on target m/c using redistributable in Insatlllshield.

Redistributable there is option to add codition for prerequisite, in that we used "Registry etry has specified value"
Registry key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{33F42836-EDFF-44E2-99ED-525CCE864C90}"

Registry value="DisplayName"

Registry data="Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3"

Registry location on 64 bit computer=64 bit

Run this prerequisite if specified registry value data has following relationship
to the existing data="is not equal to" selected

I actual setup I installed some xml files into users aplication data folder.

This is working in windows XP.
i.e setup checkes prerequisite if not available then download and installed it.
if available continue to actual setup.

But for "Windows Vista" Setup always prompts for prerequisite if available then security alert for installation if we said allow then go to actual setup

where as if not available then prompts for prerequisite then security alert and then download prerequisite and continue prerequisite and actal setup.

I don't want prerequisite prompt if "Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3" already installed and there is entry in registry. This case not works with windows vista.

If anyone know the solution.
Please help me.

Thanks and Regards
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(2) Replies
Level 5

I've had the same problem with .Net Framework 3.5. I used an installscript custom action at the begining of the installation to check for a registry key, and that seems to work.
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Level 3


Thanks for reply.

Are you faced prerequisite problem only for windws Vista. because I have problem only on windows vista,for other OS it is working.

Thanks and Regards
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