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Level 3

Place the same file at multiple target location in Basic msi installer

I have a single folder in the sorce files for the installer that I want to place
in 4 different subfolders during installation. The original file should only be
included in the installer package once. how do I define installation components
to place the file in 4 folders, all from the same source file? Now when I define
4 components with the same source, it is duplicated in the installer package
once for each component, so the installer actually contains 4 copies of the
same file. Is there a way to define components to prevent this? Thanks.
- Bill White
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(2) Replies
Level 3

It appears that the answer to my question may involve the DuplicatFile table.
How do I use the DuplicateFile table to copy all the files of a component with dynamic linked files? I think I'm getting closer:)
-- Bill
0 Kudos
Level 3

The MoveFile table works for flat folders, but its still a problem for
highly nested folders. I still need a solution that expresses copying
an entire hierarchy by designating its root folder.
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