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Level 3

Pimary output not found

Hi all,

some time ago we developed our application with VS 2010 Prof English aus with InstallSchield LE created the installation routine. That worked pretty well, we had no problems with it. Now we have migrated to VS 2012 Ultimate, but now is the German version. The installation project is unchanged, we only had to update the files. Creating the installer rotine works fine, only by the installation comes directly at start the error message "The specified File key ('xxx.primary_output") was not found in the file table. " Project output is no longer "XXX.primary_output" but "XXX.Prim_re_Ausgabe". It seems that the settings have remained from old project somewhere, unfortunately, we could not find where. Can that be changed without the installation project to completely rebuild?

Thanks in advance
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(1) Reply
Level 10

Kindly navigate to the folder which contains the solution file. Look for the file with extension .isl in one of the sub folders.

Here you may search for the entry associated with Primary Output.
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