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Performing a check before setup prereqs

Is there a way to perform a system check before a .msi install is launched and alert the end user BEFORE the Prereqs are displayed?

I need to run a quick check on a users machine in the registry and pop up a message if certain requirements aren't met.

- I tried making an install condition but it doesn't fire until after the prereqs are installed (and just before the first dialog)

- I tried launching an installscript CA that would do the same thing, gave it the sequence # of 400 (in the User Interface sequence) but that isn't launching in time either. Should I be putting it in the Execute Sequence instead or is there an easier way of doing this??
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(2) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

The order of events that occur in an MSI installation using setup.exe and prereqs is basically as follows:
- Launch setup.exe
- Setup.exe evaluates prereq conditions and displays the prereq dialog as needed, run prereqs
- After prereqs have finished, launch the MSI package
- LaunchConditions in the MSI package runs

Since setup.exe does not support plugging in custom code, you could wrap your MSI project's setup.exe with an InstallScript setup.exe. In the InstallScript project, you can then perform any checks needed against a target machine, and then launch the MSI project's setup.exe.
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Thanks for the info. Well then is there a *prq file for the .NET 3.5 SP1 Framework then? I believe there is one if you have IS 2009 but I still only have IS 2008 (which only includes the prq for 3.0). I'm thinking that because I don't want to distribute the massive Framework with my install I could perhaps them to a link somewhere as a prereq where they could get it?
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