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Package and/or Feature Operation Conditions missing from condition list

I'm currently using a Suite/Advanced UI Project (Installshield 2024 R1 Premier edition) to deliver a few different installers that we have built for various aspects of our product.  One problem I'm having is that when the user goes to rerun one of the installers, and selects only that one, the Suite Installer wants to reinstall all of the previously installed installs.

For example, we have one install that is for the main application (I'll call this app) and another install that contains the files for running various interfaces/batch processes within the application(I'll call this batch). These can be installed on multiple machines or on the same machine.  If they've installed them on the same machine, but need to redo one of the installs (say the batch install), when they select just the batch install from the feature list, it still tries to install the app install as well.  

I know this has something to do with the various eligibility and detection conditions for the two packages. But I can't for the life of me find the right condition options that would stop this from happening.  I just recently noticed in the list of conditions in the description pane, it lists the Package Operation and Feature Operation conditions.  I figured that the Feature one would be the one I needed to be able to compare the feature state and see if it's been selected for install.  But I don't seem to have those two options in my list of conditions that I can choose (see attached screenshot).  Am I in the wrong area? Or is there another way I can check the feature condition to stop a package from being reinstalled if it wasn't selected?



Currently our installs are created in an MSI Project, but are built as .exe and not an .msi.  I had tried to build them as an .msi, but then found out that the suite installer always runs them in silent mode, which we don't want as each installer has various questions we need to ask the end user. And I couldn't find a way to force it to not run them in silent mode, other than building them as .exe packages.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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