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Level 7

PATCH SEQUENCER ERROR: failed to retrieve the upgrade code - Patch problems


We have released our product in 2 forms, one as DVD-10 compressed and another as a web download. The installs were built one right after another with no changes in either file content or project settings in between.

I am now making an update. I've created a Minor Upgrade and set the previous package to be the .msi file from the DVD-10 compressed install.

If the user installs the DVD compressed installs and then applies the patch everything goes well. However, if the user installs the web exe and then tries to apply the patch nothing happens. Looking at the log file I see the following:

MSI (c) (D0:60) [15:22:52:723]: PATCH SEQUENCER ERROR: failed to retrieve the upgrade code XXXXXXXXXX transform in C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Temp\{XXXXXX}\XXXXXX.msp patch takes the product to! (1: 2253 2: 3: MsiDigitalSignature )
MSI (c) (D0:60) [15:22:52:723]: PATCH SEQUENCER: minor upgrade patch C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Temp\{XXXXX}\XXXXXX.msp is not applicable.
MSI (c) (D0:60) [15:22:52:723]: SequencePatches returns error 1627.
Fatal error during installation.
MSI (c) (D0:60) [15:22:52:723]: Product: XXXXX - Update '{XXXXXX}' could not be installed. Error code 1603. Additional information is available in the log file C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Temp\MSIac9c.LOG.

When I looked into this error online it usually occurs if you have multiple updates and you're not patching in the correct order. However, in my case, this is the first update to our product.

These are all basic msi install, by the way.

Anyone have any ideas why I'm having these problems and if there is any way to resolve it?
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Level 7

It turns out the reason I'm getting this error is because in my DVD release, under the signing tab, Sign Output Files, I specified "Setup.exe and Windows Installer Package." However, in my Web EXE release, for this same setting, I specified just "Setup.exe." So, when I try to patch my Web EXe it sees that the MsiDigitalSignature table does not exist or has been removed, and thus, the update aborts. So, it needs to be the same for both releases.

I would never have thought to specify "Setup.exe and Windows Installer Package." for my single Web EXE release when there is only one output file (setup.exe) generated. But now I'm a little wiser, and hopefully this information will help someone else.

To remedy this, and since our product has already been released, I plan to build 2 separate patches, and then build a simple wrapper exe that contains the two update.exes and launches the appropriate one according to what release was installed on the user's machine.
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