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Level 3

ODBC Data Source failure

Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated.

My installation fails to create the ODBC Data Source. After the installation, I can create the data source using the ODBC Administrator and can then connect to the database. I have tested the installation on Windows XP and Windows 7 with the same result.

I am installing SQL Anywhere 12.01 with a merge module created by the SQLA Deploy to Windows wizard. I built my installation using Installshield 2011 version 17. When the installation tries to create the ODBC Data Source I get this:

Error 1919. Error configuring ODBC data source R_2011, ODBC error 11: Driver's ConfigDSN, ConfigDriver, or ConfigTranslatro failed. Verify that the file R_2011 exists and that you can access it.

When I turn Msi logging on, the following appears in the log file:

ActionStart(Name=InstallODBC,Description=Installing ODBC components,)
MSI (s) (BC:90) [13:46:56:922]: Executing op: ODBCInstallDriver(DriverKey=SQL Anywhere 12,Component={57016628-60BB-4601-A7B8-4F8DC48856B0},Folder=C:\WINDOWS\system32\,Attribute_=Driver,Value_=dbodbc12.dll)
MSI (s) (BC:90) [13:46:57:000]: LocalSQLInstallDriverEx returned 1 in local context.
MSI (s) (BC:90) [13:46:57:281]: LocalSQLConfigDriver returned 1 in local context.
MSI (s) (BC:90) [13:46:57:281]: Executing op: ODBCDataSource(DriverKey=SQL Anywhere 12,,Registration=4,Attribute_=DSN,Value_=R_2011)
MSI (s) (BC:90) [13:46:58:047]: LocalSQLConfigDataSource returned 0 in local context.
MSI (s) (BC:90) [13:46:58:141]: LocalSQLConfigDataSource returned 0 in local context.
MSI (s) (BC:90) [13:46:58:141]: LocalSQLInstallerError returned 0 in local context.
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(3) Replies
Level 3

Found the problem. I specified an invalid option. The option I specified for the Integrated property was "NONE". The correction option was "NO".
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Level 2

Didnt quite get it.
where did you specify the property?
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Level 3

The settings are on the Installation Designer tab, 'ODBC Resources' under the System Configuration folder on the left hand list. The middle pane allows selecting and creating DSNs, and when a DSN is selected its properties and respective values are displayed on the right side pane titled 'ODBC Attributes & Properties'.

Apparently if an invalid value (and probably an invalid property) is specified under 'ODBC Attributes & Properties' then the attempt to create the ODBC DSN fails during the installation.
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