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Level 2

'Not Installed' does not work during silent install


I have developed a basic MSI project using Installshield X Premier 10.5 (sorry for putting this question in the wrong forum, but I couldn't locate any Premier related forum).

The SingleImage build works properly. I have a custom action which launches an executable with "Not Installed" set to true so that it gets executed only during installation. This also works as expected.

Now I wanted to change it to Unattended Installation, i.e. the user should not be required to enter anything. For this I added the MSI Command Line Arguments as "/qb". This also works as expected during installation.
However when I run the EXE again to make it uninstall, the custom action runs again!
I confirmed that if I remove the MSI's "/qb" switch, the custom action doesn't run during uninstallation.

I tried with /qb+, /qr and /qn but they all behave similarly. It seems that when I run it with any of those switches, the event "Installed" is somehow not captured!
How do I make it work?

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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Are you testing this by using the run button in the IDE or are you running the setup.exe outside of the IDE? If run from in the IDE, if the product is installed, it will be uninstalled before being run again (this behavior can be changed from the Tools->Options dialog). However, this would occur regardless of whether /qb was passed on the command line or not.
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