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Level 7

No GUI when /passive switch is used for setup.exe being run from a custom action


Following is situation :

On a windows 7 64 bit clean PC with UAC Off I am executing a custom action which installs .net framework 4.5.2. I have set the switches as /passive and /norestart.

Return processing is Asynchronous - ( No wait for Completion) , In-Script execution - Immediate execution, Execution Scheduling is always execute.

With UAC Off I can see the basic UI of the installation when installation is progressing. This is fine and intended.

When I switch ON UAC and run the setup I do not see this basic UI of .net framework setup. Although in background installation goes on and is successful.

Why I can't see the basic UI of the setup when UAC is ON.

If I run the setup as standalone installation from command prompt, I get UAC prompt and then I can see the basic UI as seen when UAC if OFF.

Thanks for your solution in advance.


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(1) Reply
Level 13

I do not know if this is the case with your installer, but the first thing I think of is that your installer manifest is not requiring administrative rights but .NET Framework might?

This is a bit of a stretch though as I would have expected .NET Framework to fail to install in this scenario. But it is something to check. Look at the General Information view and scroll down to the Summary Information STream section and see what you have set for 'Require Administrative Privileges'. If it is set to 'Yes' then I have no idea what would cause this.
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