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Newbie with easy problem...

Hello all, new guy hear trying to do a very simple task I would think, I have four folders I need to copy to a location, I can get it to do that part, but I need it to back up the existing folders first before coping the new files over.

I can not for the life of me figure this part out.

I am just getting my feet wet with the program before using it for my other applictations.

Thanks in advance for any help
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(3) Replies
Level 8

What kind of installation project did you create? Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, or InstallScript?
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Tried installscript, but can pick anything right now if its eaiser with another..
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Level 8

Generally now, I think everyone is encouraged to use a Basic MSI project. This would be required if you are going to submit your application and installation for logo certification, because the Windows Installer is one of the requirements.

So if you use Basic MSI, you would probably have to create an InstallScript custom action to back up the four folders. You would probably want to call the custom action in the Execute sequence. If you are not familiar with how Basic MSI projects work, then you have a learning curve to go through.

There is also the InstallScript MSI project, which is sort of a mix between Basic MSI and InstallScript. I have never used this as for me it didn't make sense.

If don't need logo certification and you don't have time to go through a learning curve, then you could fall back on the old standby and use a pure InstallScript project. There are many functions in the InstallScript language that would help you do this. You could probably use XCopyFile to back up the directories to another location.

That's a few suggestions.
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