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Level 3

.Net Service installation fails after installation of Windows 7 hotfix

We have an MSI that installs two .Net Services. This installs fine most of the time but one of our customers is telling us that after installation of a set of Microsoft hotfixes for Windows 7, if they install our MSI, the .Net Services do not get installed. I know it is a long shot but does anyone know of any Microsoft hotfixes (for Windows 7 x64) that might be upsetting msiexec or causing our services not to install?

Just thought I'd ask. the customer has given me a list of about 50 different patches and he is not sure which one is causing the problem.
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(2) Replies
Level 13

There were a couple of 'Updates' back in the spring of 2014 that were causing problems for our installer. Ironically our install would fail when running Microsoft's C++ 2005 runtime redistributable.

We had to go through and ask customers to uninstall the update, run setup, and then reinstall the update. The updates touched something for security in the MSI service.
We do not get any calls on this any longer so I suspect that Microsoft had fixed the problem.

I forget the exact KB number for our particular issue.
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Level 3

Thank you for the reply. I will see if I can find any hotfixes affecting Security of the MSI Service
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