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Level 3

.Net Framework 1.1 not installing

I'm running an Installscript MSI project, which I have upgraded from Installshield X to Installshield 2009, and cannot get the .NET 1.1 Framework to install.
When this was an Installshield X project the .Net 1.1 framework was automatically installed. However with Installshield 2009 it no longer is.
I have the following settings on the .NET/J# tab of the releases view:
.NET Framework Location: "Extract from Setup.exe"
.NET Framework Version: ".NET 1.1"
.NET 1.1/2.0 Core Language: "English (United States)"
Command line: /q
No language packs
Display.NET Option Dialog: No
Show Full UI...: No
Delay .NET Reboot: No
J# Redistributable Location : "Do Not Include"

The Framework appears to be included in the Setup.exe because if I set the Framework Location to "Do Not Include" the app is only 700Kb in size, with the Location set to "Extract From Setup.Exe" the size of the app is 30 MB.

When Running the install on a clean WinXP system there are no .NET 1.1 installation dialogs displayed.
After running the installer on a clean WinXP system there is no .NET 1.1 Framework present in the Add/Remove programs list and installation of subsequent features and products fail because of the lack of .NET 1.1 framework.

Does any one know how to ensure the .NET 1.1 Framework is installed using this method?


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(3) Replies
Level 2

I have the same problem. Did you ever resolve this?

I have to tell the system to Download From Web to get it to work which is terrible as often my customers do not have web access.

Any help is appreciated.
0 Kudos
Level 4


If you are using IS2K9,you can use NESTED MSI instllation to install any chain packages. Or else you can even write a function RegDBExists(in InstallScript) and find out whether .NET is installed at "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET]" and if not installed you can pass silent installation of .net.

If you want to extract .net framework from setup.exe, keep DotNetfxsp1.exe at the following location:
%Program Files\InstallShield\2009\Redist\0409\i386
0 Kudos
Level 3

I resolved the problem by adding an installshield pre-requisite to my project.
The prerequisite conditions for the .NET 1.1 framework are set so that the .NET 1.1 framework will install if :
The System.Management.dll file DOES NOT EXIST in [WindowsFolder]Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\
Or if it does exist but its version is LESS THAN 1.1.4322.573

I added similar pre-requisites for .NET 1.1 SP1 and .NET 2.0 SP1 although they had different conditions.

These now install the frameworks correctly at the start of my installation.


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