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Level 7

Need to remove event from Event Browser

I accidentally removed a custom event from the tree without using the delete in the Event Browser, now my app thinks there is still an event there and I get an error whenever I run the installer. 😞 How do I get the event out of the browser???

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(9) Replies
Level 7

I have even gone into the file and deleted the code from in there but it's still causing errors.
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Flexera Alumni

If it still appears in the Event Browser, can you select it and click Delete? Or if it doesn't appear, can you add it and then delete it?
0 Kudos
Level 7

It still appears in the Event browser, i click it and click delete and nothing happens.
0 Kudos
Flexera Alumni

What happens if you try to add it back in and then delete it?

If nothing else, the events are also listed in the .uip file, so perhaps you could remove it from (a copy of) the project file.
0 Kudos
Level 7

I also tried to add it back and then delete but the result was the same.

I can try copying the uip file, it may take it out. I'll try that and let you know.
0 Kudos
Level 7

That didn't work either. Any other ideas????? :confused:
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Flexera Alumni

What did you modify/remove in the copy of the .uip file? Were there any instances of that event function name left in it?
0 Kudos
Level 7

I could not find any but it was still listed. I ended up just rebuilding the project, which was a pain but there were many features I could copy and paste into the new project. Thanks for your help though.
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Level 9

I had this before - drove me nuts for awhile! So I take you removed the Custom Action from your sequence before removing it from your Events using the Event browser!!!!

Add a new CA to your sequence, go in your Events view - select the CA beanID from the Context drop down and add the same method name as the method that will not delete! It will add take you to the old method that will not delete once you create it but it will also create a new blank method with the same name at the bottom of the InstallScript class. Now you can use the Event browser to delete it! Then you can just delete the other newly created blank method manually at the bottom!!!

Hope this makes sense to yah!!! Let me know if it doesn't! I had several I had to fix!

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