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Level 3

.NET 2.0 Prereq for an MSI?

I have a basic MSI project which I would like to keep as a MSI which has a .NET 2.0 prereq. It seems I need to package it as a Setup.exe to keep the prereq. Is there a way to package it as an MSI with the prereq?

I want to keep it as an MSI since I need to query on it later from a C# program to determine its version number. I do this currently in C# using MsiOpenDatabaseW and MsiViewExecute.

Thank you in advance for any help.

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Level 3

I'm 95% sure it can't be done as an MSI. A number of posts point to Bootstrapper which is a Setup.exe that sits in front of your MSI. It will call the prereqs you specific such as .NET or SQL server. I'm going with the option of pushing out .NET to our users prior to my rollout. Its a much easier option.

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