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Level 4

MsiSetProperty sets a property only temporary?

Hi everyone,

I have a weird problem:

During the UI sequence I have a CA that runs an installscript function. This function sets a property value accourding to some conditions. I use the method MsiSetProperty to do that and right after that I check the property value with MsiGetProperty to make sure everything's fine - and it is OK.

Later on in the Execute sequence I get the CustomActionData property (using again a CA) and parse it in a list. Thus I can read several properties at once. Among these several properties that I parse is the one I set up in the UI sequence.
UNFORTUNATELY the property has its default value and NOT the one I already wrote with MsiSetProperty, although I checked it right after setting it up and it was OK :confused:

Any idea what's happening there?

Thanks in advance
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Level 4

I got this - properties get reset in the Execute sequence.
The property must be listed in the SecureCustomProperties property - then they pass on!

Thank you, Kathy!
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