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Msi fails to installs ODBC driver

Hello all,

I am working on creating oracle instant client application, after creating MSI when I try to run I get below error.


Logs file says below errors

MSI (s) (10:BC) [12:41:52:056]: LocalSQLInstallerError returned 0 in remote context.
Error 1918. Error installing ODBC driver Oracle Instant Client Driver 21.3.0 x64, ODBC error 13: The setup routines for the Oracle Instant Client Driver 21.3.0 x64 ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 193: .. Verify that the file Oracle Instant Client Driver 21.3.0 x64 exists and that you can access it.
MSI (s) (10:BC) [13:04:58:907]: Product: Oracle Instant Client 21.0.3 x64 -- Error 1918. Error installing ODBC driver Oracle Instant Client Driver 21.3.0 x64, ODBC error 13: The setup routines for the Oracle Instant Client Driver 21.3.0 x64 ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 193: .. Verify that the file Oracle Instant Client Driver 21.3.0 x64 exists and that you can access it.

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