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Level 2

Modifying Directory install location using Property

Hi there,

I have been trying to set a Directory based on a Property value via a VBScript custom action all day without any luck.

Basically i have an Excel addin + template files which needs to be installed into the XLStart folder based on which version of office is installed (vbscript determined).

The problem i am having is that no matter which way i try to set the Property in the vbscript ( session.Property("XLStartLocation") = value), it either fails or just installs to the default XLStartLocation value (C:\).

It wouldnt matter usually as i could just install the .xla or .xlam files to a General location and use VBScript to install the addin into Excel but....

Whoever wrote this program(macros) has it pointing to example files located in the XLStart folder of your current office install location.

It may be that i am just looking too hard or not seeing something right in front of me but im stumped. If it wasnt for the crappy WISE setup.exe which has a code that needs to be entered on the first dialogue i would just deploy it with the /S switch.

Any suggestions/ examples would be much appreciated.

BTW the software is QIMacros
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Level 2

I ended up repackaging then just setting the INSTALLDIR Property via VBScript and it worked.

I was trying to do too much with Separate Directories linked to Properties which i dont think are accessible by the VBScript custom actions during deferred execution.

Ill post my VBScript tomorrow for anyone interested in a simple Office installed location script.

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