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Level 2

Modify "Required Execution Level" after project build?

Is there any way to manually(i.e. not through the IDE) tweak the .ism file such that the "Required Execution Level" attribute can be set prior to building the product via issabld.exe? My goal is to have the Vista UAC/Admin password request dialog box come up. Currently, when a non-admin user runs the setup.exe they don't get prompted for an admin password. I've tried using a manifest but with no luck. I'm assuming that the embedded setting of "Required Execution Level" overrides the manifest file. I also searched to see if there were some command line options to issabld.exe, but no luck.


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(1) Reply
Level 4

Well... if youre talking about setup.exe file, modify it using reshacker -> ... manifest is there as editable resource. As for .msi file... use notepad... its there in plain text.
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