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Level 7

Modify Standard Dialogs

Aah, I forget how to modify existing standard dialogs :confused:

Is there any document which can tell how to use/populate a list box (which was added to SdWelcome dialog using Dialog Editor) on a standard dialog?

Fyi, I am using InstallScript type of project.
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(8) Replies
Flexera Alumni

The topics "Adding Controls to the Dialog in an InstallScript or InstallScript MSI Project" and "Using InstallScript to Process Dialog Controls" should help you get started...
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Level 7

Thanks Robert.

I imported the dialog: DialogId_10305 for changing the Status dialog and added a Edit box (control Id: 17813). My problem is, where do I call CtrlSetText ("DialogId_10305", 17813, "My Custom Message") function?

Do I need to import the .rul file corresponding to this dialog and use the above function on its DLG_INIT event? Please help.
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Flexera Alumni

Yes, in general, to modify the behavior of a predefined InstallScript dialog box you'll need to modify the underlying script (.rul) file, too.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Thanks again.

Where do I look for .rul file for STATUS dialog which has id:10305?
0 Kudos
Level 7

Did you find where this script is? I'm having troubles locating the rule file for the status dialog.
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Flexera Alumni

I don't think the STATUS and STATUSEX dialog boxes have .rul files available; what sort of changes do you want to make?
0 Kudos
Level 7

Our marketing team have insisted upon "billboards" during installation, but do not want to enable fullscreen mode.

They want nice images to appear in the middle of the skinned Statusex dialog. Drop the progress bar and text to the bottom and place bitmaps in the middle.

Is there a way to do this?
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Level 3

Is there a way to do this without opening up dll's?

I just want to get rid of the text in the upper right that says "Setup Status"
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