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Level 2

Migrating from Basic MSI project to InstallScript project


Is there a way to convert my Basic MSI project to InstallScript MSI project?
If yes- could you send me a link to the relevant documentaion?


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(3) Replies
Level 17

The following help topic contains links that point to information on how to convert from one project type to another:
Converting from One Project Type to Another Project Type

Are you trying to convert to an InstallScript project (as mentioned in your subject line) or to an InstallScript MSI project (as mentioned in the body of your post)? InstallScript MSI projects are actually quite complex, since they use the Windows Installer engine for parts of the installation, but the InstallScript engine for other parts. So, InstallScript might be a better choice, especially if you want to be able to use script to control anything from file transfer to user interface.
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Level 2

Thak you for your rplay, I will look at the link you sent. I am trying to convert to InstallScript MSI Project. I'm doing it because I want to be able to use the different Setup types (I think the regular MSI project cannot be used in this situation). Do you suggest something else?
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Level 17

Basic MSI projects also have support for setup types. You'd use a custom dialog that has buttons that are associated with AddLocal control events for the relevant features. You may want to consider doing that.
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