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Level 2

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express SP1 (x86 & x64Wow) on 64 bit Windows 7

Installing "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express SP1 (x86 & x64Wow)" prerequisite fails on 64 bit machine unless I specify /X86=1.

The /X86 option is not valid for a 32 bit OS.

I need to be able to install our 32 bit application on both 32 bit and 64 bit OS machines. This works as long as I specifiy the /X86=1 in the command line when running on 64 bit OS ( Windows 7 in this case) and not specify it when on a 32 bit OS.

First, am I missing something?

If I need to specify it, how do I add it to the command line parameters for the prerequisite when running on a 64 bit OS and not add the parameter when on a 32 bit OS?

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(1) Reply
Level 2


Do you resolve this error? i have the same error, do you have the command line?


kvarga wrote:
Installing "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express SP1 (x86 & x64Wow)" prerequisite fails on 64 bit machine unless I specify /X86=1.

The /X86 option is not valid for a 32 bit OS.

I need to be able to install our 32 bit application on both 32 bit and 64 bit OS machines. This works as long as I specifiy the /X86=1 in the command line when running on 64 bit OS ( Windows 7 in this case) and not specify it when on a 32 bit OS.

First, am I missing something?

If I need to specify it, how do I add it to the command line parameters for the prerequisite when running on a 64 bit OS and not add the parameter when on a 32 bit OS?

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