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Level 5

Media format and caching locally


Project type: Basic MSI

I would like to redistribute my application on the CD. So I selected Media Type: CD-ROM (650 MB - 2048 Byte Clusters) in release wizard.
1. Why option Cache MSI locally is always disabled for this media type (it does not matter if I select compressed or uncompressed compression)
2. If I cannot cache MSI does it mean that CD-ROM with my RTM will be always required for the repair option?

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(2) Replies
Level 5

You can cache MSI locally if you have Media type Network Image and compressed build.:)
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Level 5

Yes but then installation might grow bigger than CD size and I belive in media type CD-ROM disk2 will be created (unlike in network image) am I right? If so then network image is not am option
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