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Level 13

Masked Edit control attributes

Hi there, I have a masked edit control that I have added to an exterior type dialog in a Basic MSI project. The mask I have entered is: <^^^^-^^^^-^^^^-^^^^>

I have a bitmap image underneath with a white background. However, when the control is drawn the hyphen separator is drawn with a gray halo around the character (system color). Is there any attribute I can specify for the control that tells it to display with a transparent bit set?

Also, the Masked Edit field wants to keep falling behind the bitmap once a user clicks on a button (cancel, Next, etc) and if I do not close and reopen the dialog the masked edit field no longer displays. A user has to use the TAB key to cycle through the fields or minimize and resize the setup. Is there any way to specify z-order for the controls that is honored by the installer?
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Level 13

I have looked up the hex code for WS_EX_TRANSPARENT - which is 32 decimal. Setting the Attribute column to 32 for this control sets the control to not visible for the ultimate in true transparency. But alas, tis not what my heart desired for the lovely silhouette of the control must be visible but not its gray heart! So how do I make light break yonder heart? :confused: :confused: :rolleyes:
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