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Level 3

Managed code custom action parameters

I have a custom action that I need to pass the USERDNSDOMAIN as a paramerer but when I use the [USERDNSDOMAIN] I get nothing.
If I put [ProductVersion] as a test then it dispays that ok.
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Where and how are you setting USERDNSDOMAIN? As a sanity check, verify that it's being set before your action runs; if the property is set in the UI sequence and being used in the Execute sequence, you'll want to verify that USERDNSDOMAIN is also listed in the value of the SecureCustomProperties property.

If that doesn't reveal the reason, perhaps create an MSI log file to verify the property is being set at all?
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Level 3

Hi,thanks for the responce.
Probably I should write instead what I am trying to solve and maybe there is a better method to do it.

I have a config file that with the following in the settings
key="URL" value="" which I update during the instalation using the "XML File Changes" with that:


if the machine this is installed is in a domain that works fine but not if it is a standalone machine.So what I would like to do is to insert a custom dialog that allows the user to enter a value (ip I guess) if the [TARGETNAME].[%USERDNSDOMAIN] is empty.

Am I going the right way and if yes how can this achieved?

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Flexera Alumni

Sure, you can test if either property is empty with a condition like Not TARGETNAME, and you could create a simple custom dialog that uses that condition to prompt the user to enter a value...
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