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Level 6

Managed-Code Custom Actions using .Net 5 does not work


In using InstallShield 2020 R3 and my custom actions are written in Managed code C#, currently on .Net Framework version 4.7.2. Now we are migrating all the managed code to .Net 5.

Seems to be a problem when trying to load the .Net 5 managed code. InstallShield display error message: "Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoadareExceptions property for more information.


Do you have any solution on this?






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(3) Replies
Level 5

Did you ever get a solution to this?

Thanks in advance.

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No, I have not got any solution, have to remain on .Net Framework for the installer.

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Level 5

Thanks anyway.

Shame that we have to tell people they need .NET Framework just for the installer but not the product itself now. Bit difficult to explain, but anyhow. 

Our installers are so massive we don't have the time or money to rewrite them into something else so I guess we're stuck with this until we can move away from InstallShield completely. We're still on IS 2012 cause it hasn't really improved in 11 years and it wasn't very good in the first place, but it was good for it's time (20+ years ago). 😉

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