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Level 9

Major Upgrade and the ability to turn it off

Okay here is a new one that I hope someone has already done before.

We have our older version of our software out in the field and are currently working on our newer version. Our newer version is completely newer -new product and upgrade codes in the install package.

What we would like to do is set the previous version in the upgrade table so that it can automatically uninstall that version if found, but what we also want to do is prompt the user if they would like to keep the previous version on the machine with the newer version. Mainly for comparision reasons.

If the user decides to keep the previous version then I would like to turn off the major upgrade of that particular version, but leaving the major upgrade turned on just in case the current version that we are working on has it's own major upgrade to perform.

So I would like to know if there is an easy way to turn off the major upgrade of this previous version during the install without affecting any thing else???

If not then what would be the best way to handle this?

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Flexera Alumni

(Duplicate; follow-up [post=405767]here[/post].)
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