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Level 2

Major Upgrade Failed (Invoker VS Admin) under UAC

Hi all,

Thanks for reading my question.

Below is the detail:

InstallShield 2008 primier Edition version 14
Windows Vista and Win7
The current account is Admin.

Settings related to Major Upgrade:
Completely uninstall old setup before installing new setup.

As we know, the InstallShield project has three settings that require Execution Level:
a. “Required Execution Level” for setup.exe,
b. “The prerequisite requires administrative privileges” for prerequisites,
c. “Require Administrative Privileges” specifies whether the .msi file for your product's installation requires administrative privileges.

There is an old version with
a - Invoker
b - Admin
c - Admin
And a new version with:
a - Admin
b - Admin
c - Admin

Steps reproduce:
1. Double click to launch old version setup package and install it.
2. Double click to launch new version setup package and install it.
Failed to uninstall. Both old and new versions are in the OS.

Steps reproduce:
1. RunAsAdmin to launch old version setup package and install it.
2. Double click to launch new version setup package and install it.
Success. Old version are removed and only new version is there.

Can someone help me about this question?
Maybe it is an old question, I took a long time here but I am sorry I didn't find a solution.

Using setup /v"/l*v \"c:\somelog.log\"" to get the setup log:
From the log:
1) For the items in the package: Installed: Local; Request: Absent; Action: Absent
2) For the items in the package: Installed: Local; Request: Null; Action: Null.

1) ALLUSERS is 1.
2) cannot find the value in the log before removing old version.

InstallShield 11:00:56: Begin SetAllUsers()
InstallShield 11:00:56: Getting records from Upgrade table
InstallShield 11:00:56: UpgradeCode: {xxx} MinVersion: MaxVersion: 05.00.0008.0000 Language: Attributes: 1280
InstallShield 11:00:56: Checking related product {xxx}
InstallShield 11:00:56: {xxx} 0 03.00.0022.0000 ***Related***
MSI (c) (20!80) [11:00:56:343]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE property. Its value is 'Yes'.
InstallShield 11:00:56: ALLUSERS of related product {xxx} is = 0
MSI (c) (20!80) [11:00:56:343]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting ALLUSERS property. Its current value is '1'.
InstallShield 11:00:56: End SetAllUsers()
Action ended 11:00:56: ISSetAllUsers. Return value 1.

InstallShield 11:10:26: Begin SetAllUsers()
InstallShield 11:10:26: Getting records from Upgrade table
InstallShield 11:10:26: UpgradeCode: {xxx} MinVersion: MaxVersion: 05.00.0008.0000 Language: Attributes: 1280
InstallShield 11:10:26: Checking related product {xxx}
InstallShield 11:10:26: {xxx} 0 03.00.0022.0000 ***Related***
MSI (c) (14!84) [11:10:26:824]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE property. Its value is 'Yes'.
InstallShield 11:10:26: ALLUSERS of related product {xxx} is = 1
InstallShield 11:10:26: End SetAllUsers()
Action ended 11:10:26: ISSetAllUsers. Return value 1.

Thanks so much.
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Level 2

I found Q113652: HOTFIX: InstallScript Initialization Code Modifying ALLUSERS Property.

The behavior is:
Before using this HOTFIX:
After upgrade, there are two entries in ARP and two icons on the desktop.
After using this HOTFIX:
After upgrade, there are two entries in ARP and only one icon on the desktop.

Can someone help me?
Or if this is an very old question~~~Can someone tell me a URL to the answer.
Thanks very much...
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