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Level 3

MSSQL Express not fully uninstalling

I have a basic MSI package that includes the redist MSSQL 2005 from IS. Now when I uninstall my program only part of the MSSQL is getting uninstalled. The old DB are still in the \mssql.1\data folder and the main registry keys under Microsoft SQL Server are still there.

So I cant uninstall and reinstall my product cause the Prerequisite see the registry entries and skips the pre-preq. This in turns mess's with the SQL script since the sql server is not there. I start the mssql service if it there or not just incase.

What I want it to do is not uninstall MSSQL at all. I want to use a CA and just disable the service just in case they come back, which happens alot.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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(4) Replies
Level 17

If you are using the prerequisite to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express, InstallShield will not uninstall it at all when you uninstall your main application. I am assuming that you have added your own CA or something that will uninstall Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express into your setup package. If that is the case, you have to fix it so that it will be working as you expect.
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Level 3

Actually it is a Prerequisite and IS is partially uninstalling it. I have only 1 custom action and it is IS_Launch_MY_Program_Please. Thats it a simple basic MSI.
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Level 17

If you create a new basic MSI project with only adding Notepad.exe and including the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express SP2 prerequisite, and then install/uninstall the setup on a clean machine, is the problem reproducible?
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Level 3

I tried what you asked and was not able to recreate the problem. So I starting searching other areas to see what could be causing it. I found in the control services that delete on uninstall was set to true. Testing now
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