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Loop or Repeat Image Billboards


I have a basic MSI project in IS 2010. I have three images as billboards that display while our product is installing.

However, it stops at the third image and does not loop back around.

Is there anyway to make it loop or repeat?

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(3) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Are you using the billboard support provided by the Billboards view? If so, the expected behavior is that once the last image is displayed, the billboards will not loop back to the first billboard if the installation continues past the display time set for the last image.
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Not applicable

In InstallShield 2010, under User Interface -> Billboards, I added 3 images.

Is that what you mean by Billboards view?

Is there a way to make the images repeat without extending the display time for each image?

Thank you!
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

At this point, the only way to repeat the billboards would be to add the images multiple times in the Billboards view.

I've submitted work order IOA-000053355 requesting this support be added to a future release of the product.
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