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Level 3

Looking for info/opinions on InstallScript MSI projects

The installation I need write requires a rather complex UI sequence (custom dialogs & many different UI paths). I've seen how tedious MSI's internal UI can be, so I'm thinking about using an InstallScript MSI project. I know the language very well, but I attended an InstallShield training class earlier this year and the instructor discouraged us from using InstallScript MSI projects. They wouldn't elaborate much except to say that it was like "the bastard child of MSI and InstallScript; primarily created to support very old installation projects."

Is there any major reason NOT to use this project type? Has anyone had to start over or convert their projects to InstallScript or Basic MSI due to limitations or bugs with InstallScript MSI projects? I'm very interested in hearing any recommendations.


PS - There is one thing I can't find any information on: The help file says the InstallScript engine ultimately calls MsiInstallProduct with arguments based upon "installation mode, internal feature selections, and current property values." Is there any way to determine/log the actual arguments passed to MsiInstallProduct?
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Level 7

For what it's worth, I have had to start over/convert InstallScript MSI projects to InstallScript Only projects. If you are doing any sort of website installers that most likely have dynamic file linking, I would recommend starting out InstallScript Only.

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