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Level 3

Listing command line help parameters using Setup.exe (Basic project)

I am using a Basic Setup.exe project and would like to display (custom) help information using a command line entry similar to:

Setup.exe /HELP or Setup.exe /? or Setup.exe -HELP

Currently I have implemented a CA within the project that will display the custom help text based on a public property being set to the value of "1" i.e:

Setup.exe /v"HELP=1"
I would like releive the user from having to type this command line string. Is there a way to get this property set directly from the Setup.exe?

The InstallShield help states that there is no Setup.ini file generated for Basic projects that create Setup.exe. Is there a different support file available for Basic Setup.exe files?
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(3) Replies
Level 17

Have you tried entering something like HELP=1 in the MSI Command-Line Arguments setting? To access this setting, open the Releases view, click the release that you are building, and click the Setup.exe tab. That setting lets you specify command-line parameters that you want to pass from Setup.exe to the .msi package.

I hope that helps.
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Level 3

Thank you Debbie for your quick response, however using the releases view to set the public property only initializes it to a preset value at runtime.

What I would like to do is have the user invoke the help information from the commandline when needed i.e. Setup.exe -HELP or Setup.exe /HELP or even Setup.exe HELP=1. If not only for the asthetic appeal but also to remain consistient with the traditional way of retrieving help info.

Just trying to avoid having the user type: Setup.exe /v"HELP=1" if possible.

Do you have anymore suggestions?
0 Kudos
Level 17

Sorry. There isn't any support for generic handlers for command-line parameters. I can't think of any other ideas.
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