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Level 8

ListView - Horizontal Scrollbar

I'm encountering a problem that seems also to be known by other users:

If you have a look at my first attached screenshot... you see a dialog with 2 listview controls. Every item has an icon and a short text.

It seems to me that Windows Installer(or Installshield) cannot show the scrollbars seperately... they are always shown together...

The strange thing is that, even when the hor. scrollbar is shown, you still cannot see the whole text of the element. It ends with 3 dots, stating that the string is longer than the width of the listview (see screenshot 2).

Is there a way to get the correct behaviour, because at this moment... my listview contains unreadable text...

BTW, I'm using a BASIC MSI project.

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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

The attributes documented for the Windows Installer ListView control do not seem to provide any options for controlling which scrollbars are created or how they are handled. This would indicate that the behavior cannot be altered through any changes to the control in the Control or ListView tables.

The most likely workaround to this issue would be to increase the width of the controls to allow the text to fit.
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