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Level 2

Legacy Installshield Multiplatform 11.5


I realise that I am asking a question about a legacy/heritage product, however, I have a current question.  The installer is working perfectly across many baselines of Windows and Solaris.  We have just experienced an issue whereby an end-user is trying to install on a 1.2Gb disk.  The installation fails.   Does anyone recollect issues in this area?  Could it be a 32bit limitation?  Are there any known workarounds?


Any assistance would be gratefully received.






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Level 3

What do you mean install on a 1.2GB disk? How big is the installer? Do you have access to other drives from this system? If I remember correctly, you can change the temp folder for the installer to extract to before installing but it's been many years since I've dealt with MP installers.
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