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Level 3

Language dialog not displaying at reinstallation time

Hi ,

I have migrated all my packages from devstudio to IS2008.I am getting a problem with Language dialog.With DevStudio project , language dialog is displaying for both fresh install and reinstallations. Now , I migrated my project to IS2008, by using setup created by IS2008 language is displying for fresh install only and it is not displaying for reinstall.

I am using InstallScript MSI project type.

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(5) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

If by reinstall, you mean what we call maintenance (i.e. the product has not been installed before this reinstall), then this is expected: setting the language here doesn't have the right effect, so it has been disabled. If instead you mean after doing a full uninstall, a following "fresh" install does not show the language dialog, this is unexpected and I'd appreciate more details on how to reproduce this.
0 Kudos
Level 3


Actually I am using REINSTALL AND REINSTALLMODE commandline properties for reinstalling purpose.

For Recreating the problem :

- Create a new Install script MSI project using Install Shield 2008 IDE.
- Go to Releases view
Media -> Releases -> Create new release

In Release properties

For “MSI command Line arguments” property value as REINSTALL=ALL NOTADDREMOVE=1

Change “Languages Dialog” property value to “yes”
- Build the package
- Install and then re-install (with out uninstalling the previous install)

0 Kudos
Level 17

The behavior has been changed in InstallShield 2008 so that the Language Selection dialog is only displayed for the fresh installation. In the maintenace mode, setups will run with the language that was used for the fresh installation. It does not make sense to display the Language Selection dialog for the scenario.
0 Kudos
Level 3


I have a scenario that contradicts your explanation.

I installed a package by selecting English in the language dialog on Japanese machine and I tried to re-install, reinstallation takes Japanese as default language with out displaying language dialog.
0 Kudos
Level 5

My project is just fine when reinstall after uninstall.
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