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Level 3

Kapersky finds virus on Install Shield 2009 CD

Kapersky 2010 antivirus finds a virus on the Install Shield 2009 Express CD

CD Part Number IEX1150ZD

This is a report when I scan the installation CD from Acresso:

12/20/2009 4:27:42 PM Detected: not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.Agent.aic F:\Installs\program files\InstallShield\2009 Express\Redist\Language Independent\i386\setupW.exe

The not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.Agent files were also found on my computer after installing Install Shield 2009 Express.

The F:\ is my CD drive

Thanks in advance
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(6) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

This is unlikely to be a virus; it is more likely to be a false positive. A quick search found that Kaspersky may investigate files that are causing these reports to determine if there is really a virus or if it's a false positive. See for more information on how to submit the file.
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Level 3

Is "not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.Agent" one of your files? It is on Install Shield 2009 Express CD.
0 Kudos
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I don't believe not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.Agent is our file. As far as I know, we have no way of putting colons ':' in filenames.
0 Kudos
Level 3

I can email the file off of your InstallShield 2009 Express (Windows) CD if you want.
The file is SetupW.exe 601 kb Date= 8/5/2008 5:42AM

Right click on the file and chose properties

File description
Type Application
File version
Product name
Product version
Size 600KB
Date modified 8/5/2008 5:42 AM

(the version,Product name, Product version and Copyright are blank)

Also, the autorun does not work on the CD. You must explore the Cd and run setup.exe.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Again, would you like me to email you the file off your InstallShield Express 2009 CD for your to look at?

Thanks Tom
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

The setupW.exe file is ours. However part of our QA cycle before release includes a virus scan so I don't believe this file is likely to contain a virus. I would check with Kaspersky, as of the two of us they are the ones with the virus checking business.
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