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Level 2

It is curious result about installation language of Installshield

I built a installation project support 3 languages Korean, English and Japanese. and the Default Language is English Of Cource.

when my product installed on Korean language Windows, It shows Korean. it's good. when installing on English Windows it shows engish. it's good too.

But problem is a langpack on Windows.

E.g. Korean Language Windows + Chinese Language Pack.
and the User set the default windows language as Chinese.

in this case, I expect English on installation. because Default language of my install project is "English".
But It shows "Korean".

case of Korean Windows + Japanese Lang pack shows Japanese fine. case of Korean Windows + English lang pack show English fine. But case unsupported language of installation project It do not shows English that is default language of my install project. It shows Korean.

Why is that? a Bug? or a Policy?
How Installshield Determine Language of Windows?
I want a technical answer.
E.g "Installshield determines that by registry value HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Locale..."

My installshield is 2013 Premier Edition.

please answer me.
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