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Is there any option to disable "Cache MSI locally" option in Install Shield LE?

I have a problem with the silent uninstallation with the following error:

2-5-2019[08:16:15 dop.]: Copying file for cache to C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Downloaded Installations\{90B9FB0E-5F8B-447A-A629-FFE1772BB8B0}\DevExpressRuntm.msi
2-5-2019[08:16:15 dop.]: Unable to save file: C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Downloaded Installations\{90B9FB0E-5F8B-447A-A629-FFE1772BB8B0}\DevExpressRuntm.msi
The process does not have access to the file because it is in using another process.

Can I resolve this issue please somehow? I tried to use the last evaluation version of IS and after setting the "Cache MSI locally" option to No, it seemed that everything worked correctly.
Very thanks for help.
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