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Level 2

Intermittent digital signature extraction issue

We're getting the following build error from some of our projects:
ISDEV : error -6528: An error occurred extracting digital signature information from . Make sure the digital signature information provided in the IDE is correct.
ISDEV : error -6003 An error occured streaming into setup.exe

The build then completes and a valid setup.exe is created.

Our digital signature is fine, the timestamp server is available and signtool.exe is not reporting any errors, but this error still occurs.

I have been able to clear it by going back to an older version of our .ism file, rebuilding and then going back to the error prone version and rebuilding and the error clears. These steps on our build machine (standalone rather than full IS installation) do not fix the problem and the error is causing issues with our automated builds. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this problem?
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(6) Replies
Level 2

Has anyone found a solution to this issue, I have the exact same issue, it happens with my nightly build, Very random, and all I have to do is kick off another build and it normally works just fine.

The problem is the nightly build takes 2 hours and runs at night so we don't waste time running it during the day, so kicking it off again puts all the other builds behind by 2 hours.

Original Message below:

RobinsonA wrote:
We're getting the following build error from some of our projects:
ISDEV : error -6528: An error occurred extracting digital signature information from . Make sure the digital signature information provided in the IDE is correct.
ISDEV : error -6003 An error occured streaming into setup.exe

The build then completes and a valid setup.exe is created.

Our digital signature is fine, the timestamp server is available and signtool.exe is not reporting any errors, but this error still occurs.

I have been able to clear it by going back to an older version of our .ism file, rebuilding and then going back to the error prone version and rebuilding and the error clears. These steps on our build machine (standalone rather than full IS installation) do not fix the problem and the error is causing issues with our automated builds. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this problem?
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Level 2

Bump. I'm seeing this problem too. It's quite obnoxious.

Any resolution from either of you guys?
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi all,

I have resolved this issue by installing the latest SDK kit for Windows to update the SignTool.exe.

0 Kudos
Level 2

Hi all,

I have also seen this problem but I have resolved this issue as below by using a newer version of the SignTool.exe (6.1.7600.16385).
InstallShield 2010 uses an older version which seems to have this problem (5.2.3790.1830).
Are there any issues with using a later version of the SignTool.exe?
Was there a reason for Flexera using that particular version?


0 Kudos
Level 3

I was also experiencing this issue when I recently had to update my certificate from GlobalSign.

After many hours, I tried updating the .NET Framework in my addin - it had the pre-requisite 4.0 before; and I tried 4.5
This fixed my mystical issues.

In the meantime the awesome Mike at GlobalSign found this post and gave me these updated links (I haven't tried updating the SDK - at the moment just desperately trying to get an updated version of my installer out to my new customers who are waiting).

Hope one of these ideas helps someone else!

Hello Suzy,

I recall you are using a windows 7 environment last time and it been a while since you need to sign a new build.

Can you make sure you have an updated SDK file? from a similar problem seems it was being caused by an old file.

You can download the latest version here.

Thanks Mike (GlobalSign)

0 Kudos
Level 3

I also go this message, after updating my certificate.

A variety of messages - if I was able to build the installer it then failed to load giving me this message:
"Exception reading message from file:///....vsto the manifest may not be valid or the file could not be opened"

What the?? I've only updated the certificate!!!

The detail of the error message included ... something about Manifest XML signature is no valid.

Grrrr. 2 weeks later I resolved it by:

Updating the .NET framework to 4.5 - previously my pre-requisite was 4.0 - on a Win7PC running Office 2007. I have clients running old versions - and need to make sure my software ok for them.

Mike - the awesome support person at GlobalSign - also suggested updating the SDK and provided these references - I didn't need to try these in the end - but might as I haven't created an MSI (Windows Installer Package yet - only the Setup.exe)

Hope this helps someone out there working to a deadline in the middle of the night!

Hello Suzy,

I did a quick check on that message, I recall you are using a windows 7 environment last time and it been a while since you need to sign a new build.

Can you make sure you have an updated SDK file? from a similar problem seems it was being caused by an old file.

You can download the latest version here.

Thanks Mike (GlobalSign)
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