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Intallshield pulls in different version of system.buffers.dll than what is in primary output (/bin)


I have a project in vs2019. It has several projects and it builds and runs nicely. One of the files is system.buffers.dll. The file that ends up in the bin folder works when the program runs.

But we also use InstallShield 2021 R2 to build the install using an InstallShield project in the solution.

The install file builds and the install works. However, the program does not run because InstallShield includes a different copy of system.buffers.dll than what is in the bin folder. It has the same version number, but is a different size.

“Bad – in install” File: 4.6.28619.01  14.4KB

“Good – in bin folder in vs” File: 4.6.28619.01  20.3 KB

I could just copy in the ‘Good’ file and it works

Both files exist in my .nuget cache in the system.buffers.dll packages folder.  The good one is under lib\net461  and the bad one is under ref\net45

 But the file also exists all over the place on my drive c:

Not sure what to do.  I have fiddled with it for a couple days.

Note that this DLL is a dependency of one or more packages that my app uses. It has no direct reference in the solution


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