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Level 2

Intalled Service is not startable


I have an exe file which is a service.

When I take my exe and enter

connector.exe /service
net start Connector
net stop Connector
connector.exe /unregserver

everything works fine.

Now I need to do this with InstallShield...I added my exe as key file to the component and added a service. The Connector service is installed and uninstalled correctly, but it's not startable.

As soon as I hit start I get

"Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion"

what does InstallShield do differently than me on command line??

It's a c++ COM service.

Kind regards,
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(1) Reply
Level 5

Under the component go to Advanced Settings -> COM Registration.
Right click COM Registration and select Extract COM Data from Key File.
This will add registry data to your install and should be all you need.
If this does not work, you'll have to figure out what other registry data you need by installing manually and looking at what registry data gets added, then you'll manually have to add the registry data to your install.
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