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Level 3

Installshield IIS configuration

I just converted our sub-virtual directory installation from a VBScript custom action into Installshield's 'Server Configuration\Internet Information Services'. We had the application pools and main virtual directories in there before, just not the sub-vd's.

One of my sub-vd's (see SubVD2) just points to a folder with two folders with web.configs inside them, while the rest point to folders with the web.config files in side them directly.

SubVD1 => inetpub\somefolder\folderWithWebConfig
SubVD2 => inetpub\someotherfolder\folderWithJustOtherFolders

When SubVD2 is created, InstallShield is generating a web.config inside of it. Now, its not a big deal that the file is created (although I don't really want it there). The issue is the web.config stays around after uninstall.

I have tested this with some of the other virtual directories, by removing the web.config from their staging folder, the same issue happens with them (file is generated and sticks around after uninstall).

Has anyone else seen this issue? Short of putting a custom action in to remove the file on uninstall is there some other way of making the web.config not sticky, or even not generate the file at all?

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(3) Replies
Level 3

So it looks like IS IIS is trying to modify all the sub virtual directories web.configs. Is there any way to stop this?
0 Kudos
Level 3

If anyone else has this issue, with the modified web.configs, I figured out a work around. I moved the creation of the VDs to before the files are installed.

This doesn't fix the issue with the extra web.configs (I may end up just removing them via a custom action).
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

When installing websites, virtual directories, or applications on IIS 7.x machines, any settings for these items that cannot be stored globally in applicationHost.config (C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config) will be stored in a web.config in the physical directory backing the IIS item. This is a behavior of IIS 7.x and cannot be changed. The same behavior can be observed by creating a virtual directory, application, or website in the IIS Manager, then changing certain settings, such as HTTP errors or Directory Browsing settings.
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