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Level 3

Installshield 6.x

Hi folks,

Sorry for posting this in the 2008 thread but I can't find one for Installshield 6.x. Does anyone know how I can obtain a 6.x license? I've inherited an old project and am not ready to upgrade as it will be a large effort to do so. I will, but just not right away. Anyway, I need a 6.x license for now. Help?

-Old version nightmare
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(4) Replies
Level 9

I don't think you can as InstallShield dropped support for this version a while ago. What versions of InstallShield are you licensed for?
0 Kudos
Level 3

I have version 6.10.
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Level 9

Since your project will not open I am guessing that it was written in a later 6.x version of InstallShield. Was it written in 6.2x or 6.3x?
0 Kudos
Level 3

It's 6.10. The project works but won't if I upgrade. For my builds, I have it on one machine but need to have licenses for 2 more machines so I can have a distributed build.
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