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Level 3

Installscript project-set product version at build time using InstallShield task

Is it possible to update the product version in an installscript project at build time? I have tried the following:

1. Setting the InstallShieldProductVersion property in the .isproj file did not work.
2. Setting the ProductVersion property in InstallShieldPropertyOverrides property group in the .isproj file did not work.
3. Setting the ProductVersion to a path variable () via Project Settings->Application tab and assigning a value to the path variable in InstallShieldPathVariableOverrides did not work. I received the following error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\InstallShield\2011\InstallShield.targets(79,3): error : PathVariable "PRODUCT_VERSION" path "" does not exist.

Appreciate any help.
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(1) Reply
Level 3

I ended up calling the installshield command line builder (IsCmdBld.exe) directly in my MSBuild project using an Exec task. For more info about providing product version to IsCmdBld.exe, look at this thread.
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