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Level 2

Installscript Issue: Can't Install Two Different Versions on PC

Hello all,

I've been wrestling with this issue over the past few days but I feel like I'm running out of ideas. We have an Installscript project application that we distribute on a quarterly basis. Each time we need a new one to send out, we add whatever files we need to the project, build the executable and send out the package to whoever needs it. Once the user receives the package, they normally will install this new version while keeping their older version so that one is the "Test" version and the other is the "Production" version.

Yesterday we were able to install both versions on the same PC without any issues, but had issues with uninstalling them because it turned out that the Product GUID was the same for both versions. I had InstallShield generate a new Product GUID and rebuilt the package, but now I can't install the new version if the old version is already present on the PC. It goes through the installation prompts like it would normally, but it doesn't actually create any files at the installation path. Oddly enough it does create the proper registry entries though. In addition to updating the Product GUID, is there something else I need to change in order for the rest of the install to follow suit? Or is there just something else that I'm missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Level 2

Good news everyone! I figured out the problem. When I updated the Product GUID, it seemed to update every instance in the project where it gets referenced except for the setup.ini file that gets created in the Media folder (which in our setup gets some of its material from the Setup Files folder). In setup.ini it was still referencing the old GUID, so manually changing it over to the new one fixed it like a charm and everything appears to be in working order. Thought I'd post this in case anyone else encounters this issue.
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