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Level 8

Installscript IIS Settings

can Installscript handle IIS Settings or ADS settings Or do I need to use VBScript?

I want to get the domain name of the user logged in to set authentication in IIS. I would also like to get a dropdown list of all IIS Sites and have the user choose the site and read in the site number to use in the IIS Settings also.
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(3) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

You can create websites, virtual directories, application pools, and web service extensions with InstallScript or MSI projects.

Text substitutions should be possible for things like the site number (getting the existing sites and displaying them for selection on a dialog would require custom code to read the sites and a custom dialog to display them). Information on performing text substitutions can be found in the article Using InstallScript Text Substitution to Dynamically Modify IIS Settings.
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Level 8

Thank you, any idea on how one would do the custom code with Installscript to get the IIS Sites and list them or how I can call a VBScript and have it populate the Installscript dialog combobox

(the vbscript is how I did this with MSI but it used Session.Property("Propertyname") ).
0 Kudos
Level 8

I might of found a way to get the information, just not sure how to do it.
The IIS file that holds all the data about IIS Settings is a XML file. I need a way to read the XML file and loop through it looking for the following tags. Can this be done with Installscript?


I need to get to the "IIsWebServer" then read the "Location" and parse off the number at the end this is the site ID and I also need to get the "ServerComment" which is the name displayed in IIS.
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