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Level 5

Installing Service on Vista.

I am trying to install service on Vista machine.
It fails to start even if i try from the Services panel.

It says Service started and then stopped and fails to start service.

When i try to run service from windows task manager it give error saying that Unable to start service. Access Denied.

Can anyone please tell me how can i install service on Vista machine?(My service is working fine in debug mode,but somehow not getting installed properly from my installation)

Thanks in advance.
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(3) Replies
Level 7


I'm a beginner but i'm also add a service under vista plateform and it's works very well !

This service is coding on net 2.0 !
On installshield i have a basic msi project and in a component i've had this executable and the config file.

For to start the servicee, i start the service UNDER a domain\user and password perhpas there is you error !

I don't know vista plateform very well, but perhpas try to start your service under a administrator user and tell me what ?!

Have a nice day
0 Kudos
Level 5


Can you provide me with sample snippet of code you are using for installing and starting the service?

How do you start the service under domain user/password? Can you please explain more on this? ( I am running service under administrator account)

My project type is installScript.

Any pointer would be helpful.

Thanks a ton.
0 Kudos
Level 7


there is no code for to add the service, installshield doing all for me !
But me, it's a project BASIC MSI PROJECT !

if you have a little time create, a basic msi project , add a component and add ON THIS COMPONENT your SERVICE !

I don't know installscript project !!!

Now expand the component where you can find you service, click advanced settings and click right on control nt and choose add new service ! on the right select the option for your service => install = start / uninstall = stop and so on.

Now go to install nt service under control nt service and on install nt service on the rigfht => nt service click right and choice new

rename the newinstallservice1 on the name of your service and on the right select the correct option.

Built and all will be right
Tell me what..

Have a nice day
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