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Level 3

Installing Installshield


I try to instaal Installshield 2008. We have to licenses of the product. We have installed only one tlii now (the other one was installed but we did an de-install).
Now we are trying to install it on an other computer, but we now get a page that the the product already has been installed. Teh de-installation is servela days ago, so this connot be the problem I think.

Does someone reognize this problem or can somebody point me to a telephone number that I can call, because I don't get a response on my e-mail to (

On our account with MacroMedia only one product (one serial number) is stated there (and that is the one we don't get installed).

Thank you,
Remko Peters
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You can contact support by calling 847-413-2896
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Level 3

For which country is this telephone number??

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Level 2

USA - United States
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