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Level 2

Installing ADO.Net Hot fix with basic setup

Hello All,

I am very new to Installshield, I have created basic MSI install setup for my application; I have included .net framework 3.5 SP1 as a prerequisites,my problem is Microsoft has release one more hot fix for 3.5 SP1.

How can make Data service hot fix also a prerequisites to my application,and their will be separate exe for Windows 7 and for separate exe for rest of the OS. while preparing installer I have to take care of installing separete exe of windows 7 and separate exe for rest of OS.

Please help me as soon as possible.

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(2) Replies
Level 6

There is a Prerequisite editor in the tools menu, you can make your own prerequisites with that. You can specify in there that a prerequisite only needs to run on a specific OS.
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Level 2

Thanks for suggestion.
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