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Level 3

Installation exit just after copying the files

Hi everybody,

Sorry for my english, I'm french.

I encounter a problem I'm not able to solve because I don't really know the origin.
Here is the description of the problem :
Last year was developped a software and the installation was made using Installshield 11 or older.
Yesterday, I did some changes on the installation procedure using Installshield 12. When I install this new package, all work correctly. All is updated.
Today, I have installed the last version of Installshield (2010). I took my last source code and I rebuilt the project without changing anything.
When I launch my new installation package with the old version already installed, the installation procedure exits just after having copied the files required for the installation. I get a message like "Update done...".
If I launch a second time my installation, it works.
If I launch the installation without the old version installed, it works too.

Any idea about this problem ? Why does it work with the package built by installshield 12 and not with the one built by installshield 2010 ?

Thanks in advance for your help 🙂
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(4) Replies
Level 10

I get a message like "Update done...".

You will need to give a bit more information about the previous setup, and the one you are testing:

  • Project type?
  • MSI Logfile (if applicable)?
  • OS?
  • Screenshot of the "Update done..." message?

When I launch my new installation package with the old version already installed,

Does that mean you are trying to perform an upgrade of an old application? Are we talking about a minor or a major upgrade?

Then some more information about InstallShield 2010:

  • Did you install SP1?
  • Did you apply any hotfix?

Cordiales salutations
0 Kudos
Level 3

The type is a Setup project.
It installs a JRE 1.5, then 2 security softwares.
It was compiled under Windows XP with Installshield 12.
You will find attached the screenshot.

The new Setup project removes the previous version if it is installed. Then it installs a JRE 1.6.11, then a new version of the 2 security softwares.
This version was compiled with Installshield 12 and Installshield 2010 under Windows XP.
The Installshield 12 version of the Setup removes correctly the old version before installing the new one.
The Installshield 2010 version of the Setup does not remove the old version. The program exists just after the files were copied at the beginning of the process.
For information, the program jumps from the OnBegin event to the OnEnd event instead of the OnMaintUIBefore event.

I don't have installed any Service Pack or patch. Is it needed ?

If you need more information, let me know.

0 Kudos
Level 3

I installed SP1 and there's no effect 😞
0 Kudos
Level 10

Am I right in thinking that you are working on an InstallScript project?

Unfortunately, my experience is limited to Basic MSI projects, but there is one point you mention that pops-out:

  • It sounds normal that OnMaintUIBefore is not called if you are installing your program. Indeed, OnMaintUIBefore is only called during a maintenance, if I believe the comments
    // OnMaintUIBefore
    // Maintenance UI Sequence - Before Move Data
    // The OnMaintUIBefore event is called by OnShowUI when the setup is
    // running in maintenance mode. By default this event displays UI that
    // allows the end user to add or remove features, repair currently
    // installed features or uninstall the application.
    // Note: This event will not be called automatically in a
    // program...endprogram style setup.
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