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Level 4

Installation based on condition

Hello all,

I am using Installshield 2009. My Installer project is Basic MSI.

I have to install one custom service through my installer. Before the installation I need to check if it's already present. If it's already present, Installer should not do anything else it should register the service.

Kindly let me know how to do it? Where I need to provide this conditional check. Do I need to use Appsearch? If yes, how to provide the condition.

Thanks in advance.
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(3) Replies
Level 10

You could do a System Search (AppSearch) for the presence of the executable, the service in the registry's Service key, or both.

You can then use that property (or those properties) to conditionally halt the installation (LaunchCondition), select or deselect a feature (Feature Condition), or install or not install a component (Component Condition).
0 Kudos
Level 4


The information is quite informative, however being new to installshield it's quite a tough task to put the suggestion in actual practice.

Kindly provide more detailed description to implement your suggestions.

Thanks in Advance
0 Kudos


Although this thread is a little bit old, but I have a problem with the same issue:

We have a Client/Server application that has a couble of features. One of them is a feature called "AutoUpdater" and it contains two components. One is a server part and the other one is a client part of the updater. The server part only should installed if the server feature of our application will be installed. And the same is valid for the client part:

Server Feature
Server Component1
Server Component2
Client Feature
Client Component1
Client Component2
AutoUpdate Feature
AutoUpdateClient <-- should be installed only if the Client will be installed
AutoUpdateServer <-- should be installed only if the Server will be installed

Currently I use the following condition for the component AutoUpdateClient:
!Client=2 AND &Client>2
And the correspnding contion for the server part of the AutoUpdater.

But when I tried to install the Client and AutoUpdate feature the AutoUpdate components will not be installed. In the log file I got following entry:
[CODE]MSI (s) (38:10) [16:46:00:698]: Component: AutoUpdaterClient; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Null
Can someone help me out and explain to me why the component will not be installed? Maybe I did something wrong.

Thanks and best regards,
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